Oregon Mint
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Oregon’s deep, rich soils, cool, moist winters and long, dry, summers provide mint growers the ideal opportunity to produce peppermint and spearmint plants that are bursting with oil.

Add in the expertise of Oregon’s mint producers and a commitment to produce top-quality mint, and you have a recipe that is producing some of the finest mint oil in the world.

Also, because mint plants in Oregon deliver high-quality oil for between three and fifteen years at a stretch, mint is an environmentally friendly crop, requiring little soil disturbance.

And mint continues to attract legions of fans for its aroma and taste, ranking number one in sales among non-chocolate hard candies and continually providing a favorite flavoring for chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash and other products.
Mint also is a significant contributor to Oregon’s economic outlook, annually pumping upwards of $40 million into the state’s economy.


Click here to view recipes containing mint.


PO Box 3366, Salem, OR  97302-0366 • Tel: (503) 364-2944 • Fax: (503) 581-6819

Paid for by the Oregon Mint Commission, an agency of the State of Oregon.